Saturday, August 19, 2006


This morning as I was drinking my second cup of tea, my husband came and stood beside my chair with his hands behind his back and a little grin on his face. I asked him what he had behind his back. He wouldn't answer. Finally I said, "Is it the little metal hammer?" The grin got wide and big. He held out his hands and there it was. I saw immediately what our problem had been. He calls it his little metal hammer. The catalog from which I ordered it calls it a Japanese punch. I ordered two of them one year at Christmas time and gave the other to one of our sons. It does look like a little hammer. The six inch handle gradually tapers to a rather large rounded point. The one and a half inch top cross piece has a quarter inch square at one end. The other end tapers to a point like the handle does, only it's a much smaller point. On the handle below where the two pieces cross are some Japanese figures, kanjis I think they're called. So all is well. Although I'm not as sharp as I once was, my memory is not failing precipitately. My husband is not confusing his dreams with reality. And last, but not least, I'm pretty sure that there is no other gifting woman.

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