Friday, August 18, 2006

Baking day

When my son Peter visits me, he goes through the refrigerator and shows me all the things that have passed their expiration dates. Last time, after he left, I cleaned the refrigerator and threw out all the old stuff. Then I did the same to the medicine cabinet and invested some money in new cough syrup and Pepto Bismo. (Later I read that expiration dates on medicine bottles are mostly another money-making ploy of the drug companies. The article said that most drugs are stable for several years.) One place that I didn't check was my kitchen cupboards. I was poking around in there this week looking for an idea to make a sweet treat for my husband and me. I found a white cake mix with a recipe on the back. With strawberry yogurt and some strawberry jam I could make it into a beautiful, refreshing summery delight. So I set to work. When I got to the part where you open the box, there it was in bold print right on the top--Best if used by June 2003. Well, I can't say that it raised up real high, but it tastes pretty good. Peter, they have a new kind of Crisco now. It's a little more expensive than regular, but 0 trans fat. It comes in one cup sticks, so you don't even have to scoop and measure.

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