Monday, April 11, 2005

The large new left wing conspiracy

Last night I watched another hour long TV program on the blogging phenomenom. Brian Lamb interviewed the founder of the Daily Kos ont the new CSpan program, Q&A. The 'Kos' from his blog title comes from his name, Markos. He told his friends not to call him Mark. They started calling him 'Kos' instead, and it stuck. He is thirty-three years old. His parents were immigrants. His father was Greek. His mother was from El Salvador. When he found himself supporting hawkish positions in the eighties, he enlisted in the Army. He felt he should be willing to support his beliefs with his actions. He said that he went to law school to "kill three years of his life." He didn't feel ready to launch a career after graduating from college. Law school seemed like a dignified alternative. The one hundred thousand dollar debt he incurred was the main drawback. (Does any of this sound familiar? To whom it may concern: I think he said he has gotten out of debt through his very popular blog. What we poverty stricken bloggers need to do is get ourselves some advertisers. We can also offer ad-free subscriptions to our readers who don't like ads.) The passion of this young man for things liberal and Democratic makes me ashamed. Perhaps the mild chastisement I received recently on the Midlothian Campaign for skipping over things political was well deserved. Four and a half years ago, I was one of those who questioned the outcome of the election and crossed the Supreme Court off my list of people to admire. I thought then that all we could do was grit our teeth and bear it, hoping that things could be patched up again after the 2004 election. I was stunned when things turned out as they did. And then I gave up. I don't really enjoy the rough and tumble. Like Shakespeare, I think I'll just sit back and watch the antics of my fellow citizens and smile. It's a very difficult thing to respect the intelligence of those with whom you strongly disagree. Common folk have common sense and one vote each. There really is a vast right wing conspiracy that was thirty years in the making according to the Daily Kos. Now it's time to form the large new left wing conspiracy. It seems exciting and promising that it could come grass roots, through the blogs. That news could be shaped by the people and only served by editors and reporters. I'll be watching.

1 comment:

rbehs said...

I'm surprised Matt hasn't commented yet.