Friday, March 17, 2006


I ordered a little bulletin entitled "Cooking with potatoes" along with some of this years seeds from my Pinetree Garden Seeds catalog. I read through it this morning. I had a strong impression that the woman who wrote it is a natural cook. She mixes beets and chard and mushrooms, onions and leeks and garlic, tomatoes and cheeses and hazelnut oils, and all kinds of herbs into her potatoes with a light-hearted flip. She speaks of stirring and chopping with a wooden spoon and you can picture her doing it with one hand on her hip while chatting with guests. I think of myself as a cook. I had five children and a husband and made them all something to eat every day for many years. But not light-heartedly. I must walk back and forth to the counter to check the recipe and agonize over the decisions involved. For a few minutes while reading the bulletin I wished I were a natural cook. Now I just wish I HAD such a cook. Yes, if I could have just one servant it would be a cook.

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