Saturday, November 19, 2005

The little yellow butterfly

I don't know how it came in. It seems unlikely that it flew in the door with us. I take most of my houseplants outside somewhere in the summer and bring them in again in the fall. Maybe it was hiding among the leaves of one of them, waiting for winter to bring the end of its life. Or maybe it was in a cocoon wrapped around one of the branches. When it came into my nice warm house it thought spring was here already. Maybe it was on one of the days when my husband had gotten chilled outside and cranked the heat until I got all sweaty. However it happened, we have a little yellow butterfly living in our house. It mostly sits on the wood frame of our big front windows and looks out. I don't know what to do for it. It doesn't seem like much of a life for a butterfly. Do butterflies eat and drink? This one doesn't. But there wouldn't seem to be much future for a little yellow butterfly out in the snow. So I just watch it. Sometimes, when I'm sitting in my chair in front of the windows, I think, "Where is the little yellow butterfly? Oh, there it is." Last night I couldn't see it. Then Bear bumped into the window frame and suddenly there it was, gliding across the room.

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